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Chelsea's Family Calls Her Recovery a Miracle


Tashna and her three daughters were overjoyed when they welcomed the newest addition to their family, Chelsea Cover, into the world. Chelsea was thought to be a healthy, happy baby until her mother began to notice developmental delays in her motor skills as she approached her first birthday. 

"Chelsea was not clapping, calling her sisters by their names, or maintaining a healthy growth rate, which raised red flags," said Tashna. "Also, Chelsea could not swallow, had constant cold symptoms and would vomit for extended periods of time." Chelsea was taking to an emergency room where many tests were performed, but the physicians cleared her of all medical conditions. Tashna's parental instincts encouraged her to continue searching for answers as Chelsea's condition seemed to be getting worse.

Searching for Answers

Chelsea's condition began escalating at an alarming rate, and she was not experiencing seizure-like symptoms. Although medically cleared at the emergency room, Tashna requested additional testing for Chelsea. After a visit to a second medical center, her family was stunned when Chelsea's MRI revealed a mass on her brain.

Still lacking a diagnosis, the medical center discharged Chelsea. Physicians informed the family that further test results would take months. Chelsea's health was quickly declining so she was rushed to another local emergency room, where she was admitted to their Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). In the PICU, Chelsea was given a tracheostomy and feeding tube. During her three-month stay, doctors constantly monitored her heart, and she relied entirely on tubes to keep her breathing.

Her three sisters, Ashley, Zoey and Basillia, were encouraged to visit Chelsea in the PICU. Chelsea was weak, and her muscles weren't moving, but her sisters sang her songs to motivate her. Chelsea's condition took a toll on the entire family. Her "little big sister," Basillia, was acting out in anger that her sister was not home. She was hiding under the bed, going in the closet, crying "where is my sister," and sleeping in Chelsea's crib. Tashna said, "it was taking a toll on me, too, and I had to keep strong for everyone."

One afternoon, Tashna's greatest fear became her reality—Chelsea's cardiac monitor displayed no heart rhythms, she had flatlined and was not breathing. Tashna was rushed out of the room by the medical team who fortunately performed a successful resuscitation to save Chelsea. Tashna described seeing her daughter flatline as "feeling my own breath leave my body." Soon after, Chelsea was officially diagnosed with both Leigh's Disease and Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 2 (CMT2), one of a group of conditions that cause damage to the peripheral nerves.

Tashna shared, "Physicians explained that the disease moves quickly so arrangements needed to be made. I was asked if I wanted to 'pull the plug.' Our family chose to preserve life, we didn't care what was needed, so we gave Chelsea the option to pull through. And that is what she did, because Chelsea is a little fighter."

Chelsea Arrives at Children's Specialized Hospital

Physicians at the PICU highly recommended CSH in New Brunswick as the next step for Chelsea. CSH extended a warm welcome to the family and immediately developed a therapy plan upon her arrival.

Because her health was progressing, orders were sent to CSH from Chelsea's primary care doctor to wean her off the vent. Her care team turned the vent all the way down to almost room air and Chelsea tolerated it very well. They then took her off of the vent completely and Chelsea was finally relaxing. She was off the vent for over an hour and doctors realized she could breathe on her own.

After starting inpatient therapy at CSH, the family found new confidence in Chelsea's recovery process. She was able to be off the ventilator on her birthday for a full 24 hours. Breathing on her own was a massive accomplishment for her!

Chelsea thrived during her inpatient therapy sessions. She loved sitting up and her care team motivated her to continue with other functions as well. Natalie Porcella, CSH Senior Physical Therapist, helped guide Chelsea in rehabilitation. "Chelsea and her mom are the best!" said Natalie. "I remember the first time she was able to really interact with me, I was almost in tears. I moved from one side of her bed to the other and she watched me walking back and forth, giving me that 'side-eyed' look. She later started smiling and blowing kisses with her hands to her mouth, and again, we were so amazed by her."

Natalie continued, "when Chelsea was ready to go, we were all so happy about how far she had come (she was now able to sit with support and hold her head up, hold a tambourine and interact with her toys successfully, sit in her stroller and play with her sisters). We were so happy that she was able to go home and be with her family."

Tashna told us, "At first, I did not want to hold Chelsea with all of her vents and other tubes, but when she came to Children's Specialized, and with the great training they provided, I got the confidence to be comfortable enough to hold her and do what is needed for her." Chelsea was discharged after four months at CSH and her family was so happy to have her home.

Chelsea's Journey Continues

Reflecting on the past year, Tashna is proud of the challenges Chelsea has overcome. "My greatest hope for Chelsea is that she will live a normal life, all her muscles will regain their strength, and she will be able to communicate...that she will talk, stand, run, play," she said. As Chelsea continues her journey, she's still an active toddler who loves reading books, playing with Legos and listening to music.

For families going through a similar situation, Tashna's advice is, "Don't give up and keep hopeful—if you see anything with your child that looks off, don't delay but jump right on it. If you are not pleased with what one pediatrician is telling you, seek help elsewhere. Chelsea could have passed away at home if I was not persistent because it seemed as if she just had a cold. Take whatever measures to get the help you need."

Chelsea's family believes that her recovery was a miracle. She continues to improve while sleeping with her ventilator on minimal settings. She now pulls herself up with the help of her mother's hand and sits up with little to no support. She is alert and understands the words she hears. She also says "no" if she does not want something and her family looks forward to hearing her say "yes" in the future.

Chelsea is continuing her journey at the CSH Union outpatient center where she was evaluated by our Special Needs Primary Care Physician, Dr. Lauren Martin. Dr, Martin said, "I really love this family. She has come a long way from her days in our inpatient unit and I look forward to caring for her as an outpatient!"

Chelsea is currently at full weight and plans are being made to remove both the feeding and endo tracheal tubes. With Chelsea's extreme motivation and CSH's treatment plans, she continues to thrive in her day-to-day life.


Chelsea has a second chance because you care. When you give to Children's Specialized Hospital Foundation, 100% of every gift supports the specialized programs and services that are helping kids like Chelsea recover from unthinkable and often sudden medical crises. Consider a monthly gift of just $15 to make a life-long impact for countless children and families who are facing complex medical challenges.