Frequently Asked Questions
Registration | Teams | Fundraising | Participant Websites | Event Day
Is there a registration fee?
While there is no registration fee, we strongly encourage all participants to set personal fundraising goals. With each fundraising milestone you reach, you're eligible to receive the incentive prizes for that level. The average participant raises $250.
My whole family is interested in joining my Walk n' Roll Team. Does everyone have to register?
Yes, and it's easy to register everyone at once! You can sign-up family members when you register yourself. This will make fundraising easier for each participant and ensure that each person has their own personal fundraising page. Don't forget ... there are great incentive gifts for fundraising levels beginning at just $100!
How can I walk virtually?
If you can't join us at Colonial Park, you can Walk n' Roll anytime and anywhere! Walk on your own and track your progress through the DonorDrive app or start a team and choose a day you can all walk together! Make sure to post your walk to social media and tag us @childrensspecnj on Instagram and Twitter and @childrensspecialized on Facebook.
How do I form a team?
Creating a team is easy! Simply follow these steps:
- Select a team captain, team name and fundraising goal.
- Have the team captain register your team here.
- Friends, family and colleagues can then join your team when they register by selecting "JOIN A TEAM" when prompted and then selecting your team name.
- Start raising funds! Personalize your team's page with photos, video and story of why you Walk n' Roll with Children's Specialized and make sure to donate to your own encourages others to donate!
How do others join my team?
When participants register, select the option to "JOIN A TEAM." Search for the team's name and follow the sign-up process.
If I register before my team captain, can I still join their team?
Absolutely! You can change your participant level by logging into your account and looking for the header "Change Team Membership" and then following the process. You may also search for an existing team and on the team's fundraising page select "Join This Team" to change your membership process. NOTE: Every team must have a team captain. Are you an existing captain interested in changing your participant level? Please email for assistance.
Do I have to be on a team in order to participate?
No. You can register for Walk n' Roll as an individual.
Can I join a team even though I completed the registration process?
Yes. To join a team, log into your account and click on "Change Team Membership." Follow the process to select a team to join. You may also use the search tool to find a team's fundraising page and select "Join this Team" to begin the process.
Are teammates expected to fundraise?
Yes. While there is no fundraising minimum, participants are encouraged to set a personal fundraising goal. The average participant raises $100. Every dollar raised is used to change the future of children with special health care needs.
Can teams receive donations?
Yes! Gifts can be made to a team or an individual. Click here to search for a team or individual. Each team sets a fundraising goal in addition to personal goals set by each team member. Funds raised by each team member will count toward the team fundraising goal.
Where does the money go?
100% of the funds raised through Walk n' Roll directly impact the care provided by Children's Specialized Hospital, helping to advance the life-changing specialized pediatric rehabilitative care children need to learn to walk, talk, eat and breathe independently—again, or for the first time. Funds support the hospital's greatest needs which includes equipment, specific therapy program or medical services support, patient transportation services, research, and the hospital's benefit fund that assists families with medical bills.
What is the fundraising minimum?
While there is no fundraising minimum, individual participants and teams are encouraged to set fundraising goals. The more you raise, the greater the impact you have for the kids at Children's Specialized Hospital! Most fundraisers raise $250.
How should I provide my donations to Children's Specialized Hospital Foundation?
Donations are accepted online via credit, debit, PayPal, Venmo and via check (entered as an offline donation) through your personal or team's fundraising page. Gifts are automatically tracked and you'll receive notifications when donations are made so you can personally thank your supporters. Children's Specialized Hospital Foundation will also acknowledge your supporters' gifts. Cash and checks can be mailed with a donation slip prior to September 15, 2024. If sending via mail, please write your participant or team name on the check and send to:
Children's Specialized Hospital Foundation
ATTN: Walk n' Roll Donation
150 New Providence Road
Mountainside, NJ 07092
Who should checks be made payable to?
All checks should be made payable to Children's Specialized Hospital Foundation and submitted with a donation slip.
Do you send acknowledgment letters for contributions?
Yes. All donors who contribute online to your personal or team's fundraising page will receive an automated tax receipt for their contribution. Donors who give $250 or more will receive an acknowledgement letter.
How do I support an individual or team?
To donate to a participant or team, use our search tool to look up the individual or team name. Gifts can be made online (credit, debit, PayPal, Venmo) as well as via check entered as an offline donation.
How do I use my personal fundraising page?
Once registered, a personal fundraising page is automatically created for you. After logging in, you can customize your page to include photos, videos and your personal story which will inspire others to get involved. This page will provide friends, family and co-workers not only a secure way to make contributions, but also provide you the opportunity to send emails, connect over social media and thank donors for their support.
Can I use Facebook and other social platforms to fundraiser for Walk n' Roll?
We greatly encourage fundraising over social media by connecting your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn accounts to your personal fundraising page. Once connected, you can import your profile pic and directly post to social media from your personal page. We encourage you to share with friends, family and followers why you're Walking n' Rolling with Children's Specialized. This can be done on your page, a friend's page, and via group or private messages. Remember to share the unique URL linking friends directly to your personal or team's fundraising page for secure donations. You can also start a Facebook Fundraiser right from your personal fundraising page.
Participant Websites
What is a participant website?
Walk n' Roll participants get access to a personal (or team) online fundraising page, tools and resources to help reach their goals. Whatever your connection to Walk n' Roll, your story has the power to motivate others to support you and our mission at Children's Specialized Hospital. Tell your story through video, photos and by sharing your fundraising progress.
How do I create my personal or team fundraising page?
Fundraising is easier than you think! During the registration process you will be guided to upload a profile picture, share your story and connect to your social media pages. If you do not have the time to complete all the details, you can always return to your personal or team page by logging into your account. Did you forget your password? Not to worry... Simply click the "Forgot Password" link in the login box on the homepage. Enter your email address and click "Reset Password." You will receive an email prompting you to create a new password.
Can I personalize my fundraising page?
Absolutely! On your personal and team fundraising pages you can post a personal message, photos and videos to share why you Walk n' Roll with Children's Specialized. Once complete, send out emails to family, friends, neighbors and colleagues with a link back to your fundraising page where they can make a secure donation.
How do people donate to my page?
Your supporters can make a secure donation by credit card, PayPal, Venmo or check (entered as as offline gift). Share a link to your fundraising page to encourage giving. If you've received cash or check donations, please complete a donation slip for each gift and mail to Children's Specialized Hospital Foundation.
How do I upload contacts and send personal messages?
You can upload your personal contact list at any time. To do so, login to your fundraising participant center, click "Messages" from the navigation tab and then "Contact List."
Contacts can be added one at a time or by importing them through webmail services such as Gmail, Yahoo, Windows Live, Hotmail, MSN, AOL, Plaxo and your computer (Mac OS X Address Book or Microsoft Outlook). You can also import contacts from a .csv file with first name, last name, and email address.
Event Day
I already registered online, do I have to check in on event day?
Yes. All participants must check in on event day to receive their swag bags and food tickets.