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Be a Changemaker for Kids

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Approximately 28% of children in the United States lack sufficient access to essential healthcare and 37% of children have at least one condition that affects their daily life.  The most common barriers to care facing these kids are being uninsured (or underinsured), distance to services, language barriers and other social determinants of health.

You can change those statistics.

Children's Specialized Hospital is innovating every day to break barriers to care and meet the growing specialized healthcare needs of kids throughout New Jersey. The family-centered approach employed at each of our 15 treatment centers is made up of world-class medical care and also includes Social Determinants of Health screenings, multi-language technology, assistance with medical bills and transportation. Children's Specialized Hospital believes that the only way to deliver comprehensive care is by really knowing a child, their family, their living situation, and any circumstances that could stand in the way of the success of their treatment plan.


Every dollar you give makes an immediate impact on kids and families in your community.

Meet the kids whose lives are being changed by your generosity



Children living with disabilities deserve the opportunity to believe in their dreams and lead healthy, successful lives. We see more than 35,000 children each year who are living with complex physical disabilities, brain and spinal cord injuries, chronic illnesses, and a full scope of developmental, behavioral and mental health concerns...and our patient outcomes are #1 in the country.



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