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PJ's Pancakes Giveback Campaign

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We hope you enjoyed Colbie's Pancakes!

Colbie's story is one of inspiration. She has been a fighter since the day she was born at just 23 weeks weighing 1 pound 2 ounces. She defied all the odds and has become a cerebral palsy warrior.

Meet Colbie's family and hear her story...





Children's Specialized Hospital is innovating every day to break barriers to care and meet the growing specialized healthcare needs of kids throughout New Jersey. The family-centered approach employed at each of our 15 treatment centers is made up of world-class medical care and also includes Social Determinants of Health screenings, multi-language technology, assistance with medical bills and transportation. Children's Specialized Hospital believes that the only way to deliver comprehensive care is by really knowing a child, their family, their living situation, and any circumstances that could stand in the way of the success of their treatment plan.


Every dollar you give makes an immediate impact for kids and families in your community.


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